Tax Relief for Property Owners: A Comprehensive Guide

Tax Relief for Property Owners: A Comprehensive Guide

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Owning a property means taking on many responsibilities including managing taxes. Luckily there are several tax relief options that can help lower the financial burden. Let find out in this simple guide the tax relief options applicable to property owners.

Owning property is effectively a large investment that comes along with an equally large number of tax responsibilities. Most of that responsibility can be alleviated through a number of tax reliefs. such as mortgage interest deductions and credits for energy efficiency improvements. This article examines in further detail these ways that can help you lower your tax bill.

Ways to Lower Property Taxes

Property tax is a significant yearly expense for property owners. It is charged as a percentage of your property is value which can vary depending on your location and the type of property you own. To understand the calculation behind property tax and the exemptions applicable can be a money saver.

How to Calculate Property Tax:

You can determine your property tax by multiplying your property is assessed value by the local tax rate. The assessed value is the value that is determined by the local tax assessor and is supposed generally to be some percent of the market value of your property. You would not want there to be any errors since errors in your assessed value will lead to you paying higher taxes. It is very important that you confirm the assessed value of your property every year:

Common Property Tax Exemptions

Most jurisdictions allow for exemptions from property tax for seniors veterans and those living with a disability among other categories. Many places may also have homestead exemptions which work to reduce the taxable value on the primary residence. Most jurisdictions consider exemptions for seniors veterans and handicapped people among other categories. Many localities allow for homestead exemptions which reduce the taxable value for the foremost place of dwelling. Find out the exemptions in your area and apply for the ones that apply to you.

One of the greatest tax reliefs that a homeowner can get is mortgage interest deduction. It permits one to subtract from the taxable income the interest paid toward their mortgages which may tremendously reduce your tax bill.

Eligibility and Limits

For a mortgage interest deduction your mortgage must be a secured debt on either your primary or secondary home. Some restrictions limit the debt on mortgage interest. At the moment, you can claim a deduction of up to £750,000 in mortgage debt when you are married and submitting a joint report, or £375,000 when single or married and submitting separately. This provision relates to tax on property.

Besides mortgage interest you can deduct property taxes paid on your real estate. This deduction can be applied to your primary residence and in some instances other properties that you own.

Limits and Restrictions

Under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act deductions for state and local taxes. including property taxes are capped at $10000 ($5000 if married and filing separately). It is crucial to keep accurate records of all your property tax payments to stay within this limit.

Home Office Deduction

If a person applies part of the home to an exclusive business practice, they stand a chance of qualifying for the home office deduction. This is great since it is a wise way of saving a large sum of money when a person operates a business or works from home.

Computation of the Deduction

The home office deduction can be computed using the simplified method, or by the regular method. The simplified lets you deduct £5 for each sq. Ft. of home used for business, with a maximum of 300 square feet. The regular method involves actually calculating the percentage of your home used for business and applying that percentage to your home-related expenses.

Capital Gains Exclusion

When selling your primary home, you can exclude part of the capital gains from your taxable income, which will significantly reduce your tax bill.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the capital gains exclusion you would have had to own and live in the home as your principal residence for at least two of the five years before it sold. You would be eligible for an exclusion on £250000 of capital gains if single or £500000 if married filing jointly.

Energy Efficiency Credits

Making energy saving improvements in your home can additionally make your utility bill lower and at the same time give you tax credits. These credits are avilable in many energy saving improvements in the house such as solar panels and energy efficient windows.


The Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit covers 30% of the installation costs for products like solar panels and renewable energy technology. Examples of upgrades that qualify for the Nonbusiness Energy Property Credit which has a maximum value of £500 include insulation and high efficiency heating systems.

Rental Property Depreciation

If you own any rental property you can reduce your taxable income by using depreciation. Using this strategy depreciation is utilised to provide a tax benefit based on a property is wear and tear over time hence reducing the cost of the asset.

How Depreciation Works

You see when the investors filed in for their residential rental properties, the IRS said they needed to depreciate the property over 27.5 years, in other words they could deduct around 3.636 percent of the cost of the property each year. Depreciation is based on the basis of the property which includes the purchase price and capital improvements.

Professional Landlord Tax Advice

Understanding property taxes is quite cumbersome, especially when you have multiple properties or large improvements. Good landlord tax advice will help you meet your tax obligations while maximizing deductions and credits. Such a tax advisor would give personal recommendations in your case that would basically represent a guide to the right decisions that can help you avoid irreparable mistakes.

Let Property Campaign

The Let Property Campaign is an initiative by the UK government to enable landlords to even out undeclared rental income. The campaign gives landlords the chance to come forward to disclose any information they feel they may need to; usually, penalties are less severe. If you have not declared all rental income, taking part in the Let Property Campaign will make sure you comply and the financial consequences are lower.


Tax Relief Options reduce greatly the cost of property ownership to your pocket. From the deductions accorded mortgage interest and property taxes to credits for energy-efficient improvements and your home office, various avenues can be taken in order to chip away at your tax bill. Voluntary campaign schemes for better arrangements that landlords can engage in include the Let Property Campaign, with professional advice serving as an added boost to your tax position.

Be informed and, at the same time, proactive to get your way throughout the tax system and maximize on benefits. Keep accurate records of all expenses and consult with a tax professional to get various tax relief options available. Great savings on taxes with huge financial rewards offered from property ownership at great planning and strategic utilization of the tax benefits.

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